Tuesday, June 7, 2011

About Me!

First off I would like to say "Thank you!" and "Welcome to Learning Life" ^.^
This blog is intended to be an outlet for me as I am taking the plunge into the world of "adults"... sort of. I guess you can say that I am leaving my childhood behind as I set forth on a new path a.k.a college. I am a high school graduate ready, yet nervous, about going to college especially one so far away from "home". I'll be going to the University of California-Riverside.
I am a bit naive about how the world works because it is not as though I have been sheltered my whole life, it is just that I have been overshadowed my whole life by my nine older siblings. I have always been in there shadow so going to college where no one knows me or my family is a way to re-invent myself the way I want to be seen and be known for what I want to be known for. Where I currently live I am "infamously" known as the "last Campbell", the baby, the sleeper, the twin (even though I am not a twin). I am not really known, or I feel as though I am not known as who I am inside, Whitney.
I am Whitney. I love music and recently my latest obsession is Korean pop music. I love, love, love K-pop. I can't get over how amazing the guys music is.
 I got into K-pop last year, 2010, in March and their marketing strategy, whatever it is, works because I've been a huge fan ever since. 
I am also interested in foreign languages. If you couldn't guess by my love for K-pop, the said languages include Korean, Mandarin, and Japanese. My intended major in college is Asian Studies- East Asian Languages and Cultures. I currently have one year of Mandarin under my belt ^.^ 大家好!(Hello everyone!) I have also taught myself how to read Korean. I'm not the fastest reader and I still have trouble pronouncing some words here and there, but it's an accomplishment especially without any formal training. For Japanese I am as unexperienced as the next person, but not for long. I actually make it a habit to find websites or programs where I can learn the languages and I do occasionally buy programs as long as there are in my budget.
Aside from my love of K-pop and East Asian Languages, I love reading. I don't have any favorite books in particular, but I am currently reading The Girl Who Fell from the Sky by Heidi W. Durrow. I'm almost done with it. I play computer games like Neopets and Evony and facebok games like Cafe World. I have a lot of free time on my hands lol. 
I haven't mentioned my personality yet.... I prefer smiling and laughing to frowning. I like to have fun and create a joyful atmosphere, sometimes even at my own expense I don't mind. I'm a dork. I am introverted yet extroverted. According to my friends I make friends easily because I put myself out there and I indulge people, I'll talk to random people on games like Evony. I don't find it strange because I know my limit on what to give out. I am introverted because to the contrary when I am put into a situation where I don't know anyone I am contemplate for a long time before I decide to go and talk them. People are just easily fooled by my facade of confidence ^.^
Well that is all for now, until next time.

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